9636150093, 9783198048        amritumttcollege@gmail.com
  • Last Update: 06-12-2024
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Amritum Teacher Training College

Batawadi Tehsil- Anta Dist- Baran (Rajasthan) - 325205

A teacher effects eternity, you can never tell where his influence stops. All great ideas begin with a commitment to the future. It is with a strong commitment for the quest for excellence in this field of education that we have been providing quality education to students through our institution since past 8 years. Teaching is a noble profession and teacher has the responsibility of shaping the future of the country by guiding & directing the youth of the country. Teachers with focused vision, wider knowledge base and sharpened competencies are the need of the day and we at Amritum Teacher Training  College make this our biggest priority. In the present scenario, where privatization is taking deep roots, only quality teachers & quality institution can thrive. A Teacher’s creation does not end with examinations but it continues till one is eager to learn & improve. So, I will conclude by saying that the future is yours. I wish as well as assure you that we will help you to be the best & the bestests