9636150093, 9783198048        amritumttcollege@gmail.com
  • Last Update: 06-12-2024
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Amritum Teacher Training College

Batawadi Tehsil- Anta Dist- Baran (Rajasthan) - 325205
Amritum Teacher Training College is a course offered for those interested in pursuing a career in teaching. The B.Ed. degree is mandatory for teaching at the secondary (classes 9 and 10) and higher secondary (10+2 or classes 11 and 12). The minimum qualification required for entry into B.Ed. course is Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.). While students from the Arts stream are trained to teach subjects like History, Civics, Geography, and languages, the students from the Science stream are trained to teach Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. The duration of the course is two years. After B.Ed., students can pursue Master of Education (M.Ed.) in any Indian university or teacher-training institutes offering the course. The National Council for Teacher Education is the statutory body which is regulating teacher training courses in India. The Right to Free and Compulsory Education for Children (RTE Act 2009) came into force from April 2010. The act emphasizes on quality education for every child. As such, with the view to bring about quality education in schools, it is required that the entry level percentage to B.Ed. be 50 for those candidates in the General Category and 45 for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.